Welcome at EGALS | Educational Group for Animal Law Studies
The “Educational Group for Animal Law studies” (EGALS) is a collaborative partnership aimed to increase the interest of the European legal community for animal law and thus to encourage and facilitate the emergence of animal law studies in European universities as well as to further research in this area.
The creation of the Educational Group for Animal Law Studies on 1st February 2013 is a groundbreaking move expected to increase the academic impact and institutional efficiency of their members for the development of Animal Law as a new academic field in Europe by combining their expertise, competences and knowledge in the field of Animal Law Studies.
It will also create opportunities for the European legal community to share knowledge and practical skills and to develop networking opportunities.
Among other events, the promotion of Animal Law will be fostered by the organization of an Annual European Animal Law Conference.
The Educational Group for Animal Law Studies welcomes all those interested in promoting and teaching Animal Law at university to join its initiative and projects and be part of a groundbreaking move for animals in the law.
For more information: please contact the Coordinator Mr. Jean-Marc Neumann at: